Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotAutoNotify Relay notifications of any apps to Android Auto ★5

WG Auto Connect Auto connect to a WireGuard tunnel ★4

OG Network Tools A modern network toolbox built to feel like original android apps. ★13

Party UP! Share files to a webserver 🦔💨 ★16

Mobilinkd TNC Get the most out of your Mobilinkd TNC by installing the configuration app. ★7

RhythmRoid remote client for Rhythmbox on Linux ★9

Fuji Wifi App Unofficial WiFi app to get photos from your Fujifilm camera ★102

BOOM Switch The fastest way to remotely turn your UE BOOM Bluetooth speaker on and off! ★17

Share 2 Archive Today Share a URL to and Archive.Is ★9

Modular Remote Create your own remote to control your devices using TCP (and more)! ★8

SupIR a general-purpose IR blaster using the irdb database ★20
Edifier RC10E Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1280DB speakers ★2

nemu-droid nEMU Android client ★14

AmbitSync Read Suunto Ambit watches and convert to GPX ★12
Selfnet WIFI-Setup This is the official App to configure the Selfnet WIFI for your device. ★2

Sunmachine Smart lighting system ★6

Edifier RC10D1 Unofficial remote control for Edifier R2730DB speakers ★1

Sensa Gram Stream Android sensor data over UDP with minimal latency. ★7
Calliope mini Flash scripts on the calliope mini ★7

ShareFileServer share files to your local network ★15