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ADB⚡OTG Run ADB commands without a computer (no ROOT needed) ★629

Auto Off Bluetooth Automatically turn off bluetooth if disconnected ★8

TSVNC Small and simple VNC client. ★20

Scaleway Manager A server manager ★34

Fit Notifications Enable all notifications for compatible Fitbit devices ★17

NS-USBloader NS-USBloader is USB/WiFi data transfer helper for N Switch homebrew apps ★182

Child Monitor Child Monitor allows two Android devices to act as a baby monitor. ★13

DAPNET Send and read calls to and from DAPNET ★29

DataStopwatch Stopwatch, but for data usage ★4

Book Listing App A simple app which lists all books from Google Books API ★3

Homeberry remote control app for your Raspberry PI ★33

MSM All in one manager for your media server ★26

AVR-Remote Simple remote control for network connected Denon and Marantz receivers. ★28

Wi-Fi Reminders WiFi based reminders ★2
BLE-Monitor reverse engineer and analyze BLE Devices ★31
LG Remote for device with ir. ★3

FTP Server (Free) Access your phone wirelessly ★680

Public IP App and Widget allowing user to find its current public IP address ★8

V2ray Plugin A SIP003 V2ray plugin ★411

SmsCode recognize, parse SMS code and copy it to clipboard ★95