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FTP Server (Free) Access your phone wirelessly ★680

ADB⚡OTG Run ADB commands without a computer (no ROOT needed) ★629

primitive ftpd FTP server ★627

Bangle.js Gadgetbridge Android companion app for Bangle.js built on top of the Gadgetbridge project. ★604

Gadgetbridge Use your smart watch and other bluetooth devices and keep your data private! ★604

BLE Radar Control and monitor Bluetooth and wearable devices around you ★596

Nextcloud Talk Have private video calls and chat using your own server. ★586

qBitController Control qBittorrent from your Android device ★565

WarpShare An Open-source AirDrop Alternative ★560
Manyverse A social network off the grid ★537

Photon cross-platform file-sharing ★502

NotifyMe forward Bark notifications upon receiving SMS messages or phone calls ★501

MultiVNC VNC viewer that aims to be easy to use and fast ★499

SerialTest A cross platform debugger for Bluetooth/TCP/UDP ★494

V2ray Plugin A SIP003 V2ray plugin ★411

BLE Peripheral Simulator Try out Web Bluetooth without the need for a BLE Peripheral Device ★379

Ollama Chat with an Ollama server ★374

SocksTun A simple and lightweight VPN over socks5 proxy (tun2socks) ★360
RFID Tools App for use with Proxmark3 RDV4 and the blueshark addon ★355

Vernet - Network Analyzer Host and Port scanner. Ping IP or domain. ★351