Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotCSC BLE Bridge bridge ANT+ Cycling Speed/Cadence/HR sensors as Bluetooth LE sensors ★60

Private DNS Quick Tile Quickly toggle and configure Private DNS on Android 9.0+ ★58
WiFiScanner Analyse the WiFi networks in range. ★57

FocusPodcast FocusPodcast is a quality podcast management and playback application ★55

Pods Companion For AirPods View the battery status of your headphones. Free, no ads and open source. ★54

QRshare Generate QR codes on share intent ★53

ssrDroid OverTLS & SSRoT Android client ★53

Keep it up Simple network monitoring ★51

USB Serial Telnet Server binds a USB serial converter to a Telnet client ★51

OUI Lookup and Database Find a device's manufacturer by its MAC address and browse OUIs assignments ★51
moVirt mobile client for oVirt monitoring ★49

AndrOBD MQTTPublisher Plugin extension for AndrOBD to publish OBD measurements to MQTT home automation ★49

SyncTool Synchronize data between a smartphone and a server ★49

ServeIt A simple http-server on android using flutter. ★49

AndrOBD GpsProvider Plugin extension for AndrOBD to provide mobile device's GPS data to AndrOBD ★49

AndrOBD SensorProvider Plugin extension for AndrOBD to provide mobile device's accelerometer sensor dat ★49

SyncPlayer Unofficial syncplay client ★49

MPV Remote MPV Remote ★48

Wake on Lan The simple WOL tool ★46

Delta Hotspot manager using Shizuku API ★45