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M.A.L.P. M.A.L.P. - MPD Client ★76

BOOM Switch The fastest way to remotely turn your UE BOOM Bluetooth speaker on and off! ★17

FocusMastodon FocusMastodon is a bright and colourful Mastodon client ★19

KitX Mobile KitX Project's mobile implementation, based on Flutter ★17
NextcloudServices Simply fetch Nextcloud notifications on devices without Google Play services ★69

Rethink: DNS + Firewall Firewall apps, monitor network activity, block malware, change DNS. ★1,491

SyncTool Synchronize data between a smartphone and a server ★49

MSM All in one manager for your media server ★26

Riseup VPN Secure VPN powered by Bitmask ★5

Bitmask Encrypted communication for mere mortals(superheroes welcome, too). ★0

My Leaf Remote control and information for your Nissan Leaf ★25

CIFS Documents Provider Provides access to shared folders. ★302

aFreeRDP FreeRDP is a free remote desktop protocol client ★11,221

Paintball Notificator …so that you no longer have to shout across the pitch before a match. ★2

MqttDroid MQTT support for Android's device controls ★5

Valetudo Companion Easily find and connect Valetudo robot vacuums on and to your network ★32

Loud Bang RX/TX capable WSPR client ★42

Child Monitor Child Monitor allows two Android devices to act as a baby monitor. ★13

ServeIt A simple http-server on android using flutter. ★49

OpenPods The Free and Open Source app for monitoring your AirPods on Android ★1,015