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Sudaku - Make your rules to solve sudoku A game where sudoku is meant to be solved using rules. ★1

Halma Chinese checkers (Halma) to play with friends. Try this strategy board game now! ★27

MOROway App Play with the MORO model railroad! ★14

ArkTap Arknights helper app ★158

Falling Blocks A mobile Game, where you need to collect the blocks matching your colour ★9

Minesweeper - Antimine A puzzle game where you search for all hidden mines. ★676
Checkers (Privacy Friendly) (SECUSO) Strategy board game for 2 players. Play against an AI or each other! ★22

PySolFC PySolFC is a collection of solitaire card games ★474

LibreSudoku Sudoku app for Android ★490

RetroArch Retro games and emulators on your device! ★10,735

Bagatur Chess Engine Offline chess play with 16 strength levels. Chess Engine with its own GUI. Chess ★8

Pekka Kana 2 a jump'n'run game - bring the rooster to the exit ★69

Dolphin Emulator Nintendo console emulator ★13,245
JSettlers Remake of "The Settlers 3" ★84

SUD💜KU A sleek and customizable Sudoku game ★67

Flowit Fill all boxes with the color of their border ★83

Endless Sky Android port of endless-sky space trading game. ★116
Cuberite A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft Java Edition ★96

RUTMath A math learning app for children. ★1

Shattered Pixel Dungeon A roguelike game based on Pixel Dungeon ★5,013