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Boardgame Clock (Privacy Friendly) (SECUSO) Boardgame Clock offers timers for boardgame time tracking ★7

Falling Blocks A mobile Game, where you need to collect the blocks matching your colour ★9
FLARE An action RPG with gameplay alike to the games in the Diablo series ★1,117

Flip a coin Game to help you to choose between two options!!. ★0
WordleSolver Solve Wordle and Gurgle puzzles ★14

Gridle simple android word game ★16
Crossword Simple crossword solver ★32

Minesweeper - Antimine A puzzle game where you search for all hidden mines. ★676

PartyGames Play popular PartyGames ★17

SUD💜KU A sleek and customizable Sudoku game ★67

RoboZZle Droid Robot programming game ★7

OneTwo Provides you with dices, counter and timers ★15

Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup - Console Version An ASCII port of Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup running in your console ★38

JustChess Chess for one or two players ★0

WonderDroid X Bandai Wonderswan emulator ★13

Stately for NationStates An unofficial app for NationStates — a political nation simulation game. ★16

TIC-80 TIC-80 is a fantasy video game console ★4,082

Insigno Report and collect garbage, earning points! ★2

Solitaire Play solitaire, the famous card game on your smart device ★16

Box Stacker Box Stacker is a physics-based construction puzzle game. ★1