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Juvavum Domino Juvavum and Cram are board games which can be played against the computer ★0
Blackjack ★0

Score sheets Result lists for many games ★2

aaaaa a minimalist keyboard ★118

Sokoban(g) Sokoban puzzle game ★6

OMW Nightly A game engine compatible with TES3:Morrowind data files ★283

Bummerlzähler Fetziger Bummerlzähler für jeden der nicht überall einen Zettl hat ★3

OPMT A Strategy Board Game. ★5

Chalachithram Quiz app based on dialogues from Malayalam movies ★0

GLXY A simplified gravity simulator for Android, built with libgdx. ★21

Scid on the go View chess games ★6

FreeShisen Shisen-Sho game ★11

Ithaka Board Game Puzzle game ★9

OMW A game engine compatible with TES3:Morrowind data files ★283

Block Puzzle Stone Wars Addicting classic game, completely free, with multi-player mode ★29

Ahorcado Spanish Hangman ★3

Lona A snake-like HTML5 game ★37

Its Dicey! Randomly select between friends. ★4

MHWorld Database Gathering Hall Studios is back with an all-new app for Monster Hunter World! ★52

Nounours and friends Nounours the teddy bear and friends ★3