Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotEasy Watermark Securely, easily add a watermark to your sensitive photos. ★1532
Syncplay synchronize media playback (video/audio) on multiple devices ★55
Hexpress Musical instruments on your phone ★84
VPT#003-GDP Simple android app for displaying pictures for a set amount of time. ★3
DroidPlay AirPlay (version 1) client for Android ★24
PhotoChiotte media gallery and comic reader to handle huge device and online collections ★6
Lyrics Grabbr Lyrics grabbr provides lyrics for the currently playing song ★11
EweSticker Sticker-board for android inspired by uSticker (forked from woosticker). ★34
Image Meta Cleaner a cross-platform application designed to Show and Remove metadata from images ★0
QR Scanner (PFA) (SECUSO) Privacy Friendly QR-Scanner with minimal permissions ★316
Alibi Use your phone as a dashcam and save the last 30 minutes when you need it. ★360
Ambient Music Mod Port of Now Playing from Pixels to other Android devices ★1866
Open Video Editor Open source Android video editor, built with Media3 and Jetpack Compose. ★317
Vinyl Music Player Light and slick material design music player ★638
Practice Suite The Swiss army knife of musicians ★1
ExifEraser Detect and remove metadata from images ★180
PeerTube Redirect Deep linking proxy for PeerTube, to launch your selected client automatically ★124
SkyTube An open source YouTube client ★2279
SkyTube Legacy An open source YouTube client for legacy devices ★43
TimeLapseCam Minimalistic app that records time lapse videos ★29