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Auxio A simple, rational music player ★2,411

Jellyfin for Android TV Television client for Jellyfin, the free software media system ★3,210

Metronome Simple and beautiful metronome ★118

Les Pas - Photo Album for Nextcloud A photo album that saves all your precious memory in your private cloud ★469

YouAMP Player for Subsonic servers with modern Material You interface ★143

PhotoPrism Gallery An unofficial gallery and content provider for your PhotoPrism library ★462

Pocket Casts Podcast Player for Android with advanced listening, search, and discovery features. ★2,622

WhatSave An application that helps you save WA statuses ★76

Rush App to search, view, save and share lyrics like spotify! ★476

Showly an open source TV Shows & Movies tracker app that works with Trakt ★1,025

Audile Music recognition app ★583

Tack Beautiful metronome with a powerful Wear OS integration ★247

Just (Video) Player Simple video player based on ExoPlayer library ★1,958

LibreTube Alternative YouTube frontend for Android built with Piped ★9,101

PipePipe An alternative Android streaming front-end of Bilibili, NicoNico, Youtube & more ★2,759

TDX explore and monitor your favorite artists and their latest releases ★2

Tabs Lite Play your favorite song in any key with millions to choose from! ★28

VLC The best video and music player. Fast and “just works”, plays any file ★0

Drawpile A collaborative drawing program ★1,054

Power Ampache 2 Music Streaming suite for Ampache, Nextcloud Music and compatible backends. ★98