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ProjectLaogai an app for the Hochschule Offenburg ★0

Deine Rechte Deine Rechte im Kanton Bern ★0

Hibi 「日々」 An app to help you learn Japanese by keeping a journal ★38

US Travel Converter Converts some imperial units to SI units for travel to the USA. ★0

SignalID Automatic radio signal recognition, for amateur radio or shortwave listeners ★39

Open Note Scanner Scan documents, handwritten notes or arts ★1,214

Elementary: Periodic Table Open-source Periodic Table of the Elements and element reference app. ★54

USA COVID-19 Tracker USA coronavirus cases: positive cases, negative cases, and deaths per day ★67
num++ scientific & intutive calculator ★84

FOSS Moodle Interact with HHS moodle instance ★21

NeuroLab Android app for the Neurolab Open Hardware platform ★1,694

DozenCalc A dozenal (duodecimal, or base twelve) calculator ★0

#FFF Info Get all information about your climate strike ★0

SatPredict An offline satellite tracking app ★0

Mobile Pauker ++ Learn intuitively with flash cards and synchronize your lesson with Dropbox ★7
Schedule a simple class schedule app ★0
Calculator a simple Calculator ★0

Weather Widget Add widget to home screen with weather 5 to 7 day weather forecast ★20

hippopotamos Ancient greek study tool ★1
NCalcLibre Power calculator to solve some problems of algebra and calculus ★32