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Wulkanowy Client for the Polish school register VULCAN UONET+ ★280
RPN Reverse Polish Notation Calculator ★15

BeatInspector view BPM, key, genre, time signature & avg loudness of a track from Spotify API ★16

Metronome Simple metronome app which helps you keeping time when practicing music. ★137

Kakugo Learn Japanese with Kakugo ★169

Stundenplan View your Untis timetable clearly. ★12

Bubble With Bubble (spirit level) you can measure angles and inclination ★186

phyphox Perform physics experiments with your phone. (by the RWTH Aachen University) ★348

Nihonoari: Hiragana & Katakana A little and minimalist Japanese Kana training ★86

ArityCalc Scientific calculator for Android 5+ ★129

Funktrainer This app will ask you the official questions of the German ham radio (amateur ra ★12

Self Attendance Tracker Attendance Tracker for students with focus on UI and usability ★10
Sensorkraken Sensorkraken is an Android app to record raw sensor data for later processing. ★0

Logseq platform for knowledge management and collaboration and note taking ★237
PReVo Esperanto dictionary ★33

Meteo Weather Greece A lightweight, beautiful weather app that fetches data from ★0

SimplyTranslate Mobile Alternative front-end to Google Translate ★183

microMathematics Plus Computer algebra system ★470

Sugarizer Use Sugar learning platform ★201

Mastercom workbook View school marks, documents, topics, timetable ★15