Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotPolar Alert High / low heart rate sound alert ★5
BikeComputer BikeComputer ★4
Workouts'N'Rest Run your workout quickly and easily. ★4
Step and Height Counter Counting steps and elevation gain ★4
OpenBl Showcasing the latest Bundesliga tables and results using Material You Design ★4
Wine cellar Wine cellar manager ★4
CBTAndroid Seven column CBT thought journal ★4
FallASleep - Device sleep timer Lock the screen after a timer runs out. ★4
Pilldroid Pilldroid is a theoretical medication stock manager. It's in french and uses ★4
Dart Checker Dart scoreboard/counter for physical dart matches ★3
NadaMillas Count your swimming sessions! ★3
HIIT Interval timer ★3
RacketGhost Ghosting Coach for Squash, Badminton and Racketlon ★3
Flask Purchase items from CSH's vending machines ★3
LoudScoreboard A scoreboard app that announces the score ★2
Migraine Log A simple headache diary that respects your privacy ★2
CovidAt a smart generator for French travel certificates during the Covid-19 emergency s ★2
Spartathlon View info about the Spartathlon foot race ★2
BoB Baby on Board is an application of pregnancy tracking that respect your privacy ★2
StarGW Weight A free simple app to record your weight ★2