Featured Latest Update New TopImagepipe removes exif data and modifies images to reduce size before sharing. ★58
MIFARE Classic Tool An NFC app for reading, writing, analyzing, etc. MIFARE Classic RFID tags. ★4535
Transistor - Simple Radio App Transistor is an app for listening to radio stations over the internet. ★79
Activity Manager Hidden activity launcher ★277
LoliSnatcher Batch download and view anime images and videos from many booru sites ★410
Gramophone A mp3 music player with up-to-date md3 phonograph designs. ★1105
Money Manager Ex Manage your income and expenses on a mobile device, sync via your own cloud ★517
FluffyChat Chat with your friends with FluffyChat. ★498
Myne: Ebook Downloader Android application to download ebooks from the Project GutenBerg. ★1169
Tuner App for tuning musical instruments. ★207
blocker A component controller for Android applications ★1330
FOSS Browser "FOSS Browser" is a fully free (as in freedom) open source Android browser: priv ★1031
OpenCalc Simple and beautiful calculator for Android ★433
Retro Music Player Material You Design Music player for Android ★3101
Unstoppable Wallet Bitcoin, Ethereum, DeFi ★888
GMaps WV Google Maps WebView Wrapper ★14
VpnHood! Undetectable Fast VPN ★1046
FakeGapps Signature spoofing for MicroG as an Xposed module ★305
Bubble With Bubble (spirit level) you can measure angles and inclination ★186
Screenshot Tile (NoRoot) Quickly take screenshots from the quick settings panel ★264