Featured Latest Update New TopClima Beautiful, minimal, and fast weather app ★17
DroidFS Store & access your files securely ★0
Transportr - Open Source Public Transit Free Public Transport Assistant without Ads or Tracking ★1065
monocles browser A web browser that respects your privacy. ★7
PhoneProfilesPlusExtender Android application - Extender for PhoneProfilesPlus ★73
AgoraDesk: buy BTC anonymously Buy or sell Bitcoin without ID verification. Cash or online. Safe, fast, easy. ★68
SuperImage Sharpen your low-resolution pictures with the power of AI upscaling ★1377
CAPod - Companion for AirPods CAPod is a companion app for AirPods on Android. ★530
Audio Spectrum Analyzer A handy real-time audio spectrum and spectrogram analyzer ★224
Keep Screen On A screen timeout quick settings tile ★119
Dolphin Emulator Nintendo console emulator ★13245
Dark Mode Live Wallpaper Live wallpaper that respects dark theme mode ★174
XposedSmsCode recognize, parse verification code from SMS and copy it to clipboard ★478
e1547 - e621 browser browser for the e621 and e926 imageboards ★189
HexViewer Hexadecimal viewer for Android ★167
Peristyle Simple wallpaper manager app for Android. ★298 Set a timer for each task to stay focused. Boost your productivity. ★21
GreenStash Simple app to help you plan and manage your savings goals easily. ★591
Lexica Find as many words as possible on a grid of random letters within a time limit ★302
Photok Encrypt your photos on your device and keep them safe from others. ★490