APK latest version
Platform: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64 6.2.0 (209) APK
4.1 MB
File Specifications
Certificate fingerprint: 4507f34a205670231faa43811f2bc42a6eb4e083ce4b364129ad9e2e84b9b44c sha256: 60fa9bb2560d575e8191fb5199615ee968fc9edf85092e3a60f8f71980abee68
Requested Permissions
- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
- android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
- android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
- android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
How to install open source APK files on Android
- Once you have downloaded the APK file, open your Android settings.
- Tap on "Security".
- Scroll down and tap on "Unknown sources".
- Tap on the toggle switch to turn on "Unknown sources".
- Locate the APK file on your device. It may be in your downloads folder, or it may be in a different folder depending on where you downloaded it from.
- Tap on the APK file to start the installation process.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.