Passtable APK latest version
Platform: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64

Passtable-25.2.0.apk (25.2.0) APK
7.5 MB, Android 7.0 (Nougat API 24)

What is Obtainium ?
File Specifications
This app is signed by Max Korolev with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing Passtable installations
Certificate fingerprint: 0228b09931b77df4fe063e3a317a9aebcc87e5b0 Issuer: C=RU, ST=Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, L=Nizhny Novgorod, O=Ladsers, OU=Software, CN=Maxim Korolev
SHA-256: 63b3339d0851f529c1f26dbc261524a56b229ee1e6bf50f01dec07904fa713bb
Whats New in Passtable 25.2.0
- File Sharing: You can now share files directly from the app.
- Password Reminder: A weekly reminder to enter your primary password is now available when using biometric authentication.
- Improved Font: The font used for user data has been updated to IBM Plex Sans for better readability.
Requested Permissions
- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
- android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC
- android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT
How to install open source APK files on Android
- Once you have downloaded the APK file, open your Android settings.
- Tap on "Security".
- Scroll down and tap on "Unknown sources".
- Tap on the toggle switch to turn on "Unknown sources".
- Locate the APK file on your device. It may be in your downloads folder, or it may be in a different folder depending on where you downloaded it from.
- Tap on the APK file to start the installation process.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.