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Valetudo Companion Easily find and connect Valetudo robot vacuums on and to your network ★32

RecollDroid UI for the Recoll fulltext search engine. ★0

Average data usage widget Check your data usage and compare it with an indicator of the average usage. ★34

treehouses remote Communicate with headless Raspberry Pi mobile server running treehouses image vi ★66

StyncyNotes Sticky Notes app for Android that understands the linuxmint/sticky note file for ★0

Sideload Helper by Rebble Sideload to the Official Pebble App with an app from Rebble ★21

UUID 0xFD6F Scanner Scan for BluetoothLE Beacons with UUID 0xFD6F ★122

Anonymous Messenger A peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over Tor. ★0

NS-USBloader NS-USBloader is USB/WiFi data transfer helper for N Switch homebrew apps ★182
Mensa-Guthaben Check balance of NFC mensa cards ★116

AsteroidOS Sync Synchronize with your AsteroidOS smartwatch ★100
AndroVDR remote control for VDR ★1

KUKSA Companion App The Companion App for the KUKSA Databroker. ★3

ServeIt A simple http-server on android using flutter. ★49
MusicBee Remote Control your MusicBee player from your Android device ★109

AVR-Remote Simple remote control for network connected Denon and Marantz receivers. ★28
LG Remote for device with ir. ★3

Evergram Scroll through all your Telegram channels in one timeline ★4

SleepyWifi Disables the Wi-Fi when the phone is in sleep mode ★8

α-Remote Bluetooth remote for Sony Cameras ★31