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WebRadio Play radio channels from web and add custom channels ★0

NS-USBloader NS-USBloader is USB/WiFi data transfer helper for N Switch homebrew apps ★182
NoProvider2Push UP-distributor without provider ★8
Network Tester Wi-Fi access point tester ★0

Anonymous Messenger A peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over Tor. ★0

UUID 0xFD6F Scanner Scan for BluetoothLE Beacons with UUID 0xFD6F ★122

Sideload Helper by Rebble Sideload to the Official Pebble App with an app from Rebble ★21

Auto Off Bluetooth Automatically turn off bluetooth if disconnected ★8

StyncyNotes Sticky Notes app for Android that understands the linuxmint/sticky note file for ★0

AndrOBD MQTTPublisher Plugin extension for AndrOBD to publish OBD measurements to MQTT home automation ★49

AndrOBD GpsProvider Plugin extension for AndrOBD to provide mobile device's GPS data to AndrOBD ★49

SyncPlayer Unofficial syncplay client ★49

WA Adder WhatsApp contact adder without giving WhatsApp access to your contacts! ★6

Eventyay Organizer App Event management app for Organizers using eventyay platform ★1,781

AndrOBD SensorProvider Plugin extension for AndrOBD to provide mobile device's accelerometer sensor dat ★49

USB-Dataloggerreader Interface to USB dataloggers. ★2

WiFi Automatic Turn off Wi-Fi automatically ★71

treehouses remote Communicate with headless Raspberry Pi mobile server running treehouses image vi ★66
moVirt mobile client for oVirt monitoring ★49

Average data usage widget Check your data usage and compare it with an indicator of the average usage. ★34