Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular Hot
WireGuard Next generation secure VPN network tunnel ★0

QRshare Generate QR codes on share intent ★53

Fit Notifications Enable all notifications for compatible Fitbit devices ★17
BLE-Monitor reverse engineer and analyze BLE Devices ★31

SavaPage Print Service A Print Service for SavaPage Open Print Portal ★0

BootBoi Turn on/off your remote machine without leaving your couch! ★80

Pods Companion For AirPods View the battery status of your headphones. Free, no ads and open source. ★54

CUPS Printing Print directly from your handset ★0

NC Passwords A password manager app for Nextcloud's Passwords app ★25
Manyverse A social network off the grid ★537

Android Music Server a web interface to music playback on Android devices ★9

ClemRemote Remote Control for Clementine Music Player allowing you to browse your Files ★14
PanicTrigger Helps you and others in case of an emergency ★20

WiFi Walkie Talkie Talk to other devices on your LAN ★113

Smart Card Reader Use your phone as contact-less smart card reader ★0
Impress Remote Remote for presentations ★0

DPC Digital pedigree and chronicle ★8

CatShare App for Mutual Transmission Alliance ★288

DNSNet Lightweight ad and content blocker ★269

Eventyay Attendee App Events app to checkout nearby events ★1,935