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MultiVNC VNC viewer that aims to be easy to use and fast ★499

Network Survey Displays and Logs LTE Network Survey Details ★187

BLE Radar Control and monitor Bluetooth and wearable devices around you ★596
Locate my device locate a lost smartphone through the use of conventional SMS ★61

EasySync Synchronize your phone with your WebDAV server, the easy way. ★67

Robot36 - SSTV Image Decoder Image decoder for Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) audio signals ★0

aRDP Free secure and SSH capable Remote Desktop Protocol client ★1,833

bVNC Free secure VNC client ★2,144

NeoStumbler Application for collecting wireless networks to Mozilla Location Services ★226

MPV Remote MPV Remote ★48

Ojo RTSP IP Camera viewer Ojo is a basic IP Camera surveillance wall. ★32

RemotePointer Digital Laser Pointer and Mouse Control for Presentations ★20

Open Squeeze control Logitech Squeezebox devices on the Logitech Media Server platform ★13

gCompat UP-Distributor UnifiedPush Distributor using FCM (Google) ★15

QRServ Transfer files with ease over a network. ★135

dreamDroid Control and streaming client for enigma2 based dreamboxes ★97

Snapdrop Transfer files between phones and laptops on same wifi ★62

Aria for Misskey Dive into the interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀 ★117

RestSMS REST service to send SMS via your Android device ★89

opendtu-react-native OpenDTU client ★36