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Tinc App Android binding and user interface for the tinc mesh VPN daemon ★165

Tauon Remote & Stream remote control your Tauon Music Box ★13

AndroTainer Manage your docker containers via your smartphone ★88

Bitmask Encrypted communication for mere mortals(superheroes welcome, too). ★0

OpenWrt Manager Manage your OpenWRT device from your phone ★221

Plexus Android app for Plexus ★231

BT Remote Bluetooth remote control for Android TV. ★43

Simple WOL waking machines on the network with Wake On Lan ★27

iTracing2 alternative application for iSee/iTag bluetooth device owners ★190

AndrOBD Connect to your car's OBD system ★1,493
e-Passport Reader use the NFC chip to communicate with an electronic passport ★265

Nextcloud Cookbook View all your recipes stored in your Nextcloud instance. ★65

Squeeze Client Client application for Squeezebox players on the Lyrion music server ★15

M17 HT M17 voice communication via an M17 KISS modem/radio ★15

EVNotify Monitor the state of charge and more data remotely and get notified! ★205
CSC BLE Bridge bridge ANT+ Cycling Speed/Cadence/HR sensors as Bluetooth LE sensors ★60

WLED Native Find, manage and control all your WLED devices from your android device ★74

Remote Video Camera Stream video/audio between two phones. Zero configuration. ★131

TSViewer Simple TS client which shows you the amount and names of connected clients. ★15

aFreeRDP FreeRDP is a free remote desktop protocol client ★11,221