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OctoPrint for Android Use your old Android device as an OctoPrint server. ★1,503

gCompat UP-Distributor UnifiedPush Distributor using FCM (Google) ★15
Rsync Server A rsync server (alpha release) ★18
mpv remote Android application to control mpv running on another computer. ★73

Monitor Internetless allows you to locate and control your phone remotely without internet connection ★16

Vernet - Network Analyzer Host and Port scanner. Ping IP or domain. ★351

gophercle a gopher client ★1

WebRadio Play radio channels from web and add custom channels ★0

M.A.L.P. M.A.L.P. - MPD Client ★76

Anonymous Messenger A peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over Tor. ★0

Loud Bang RX/TX capable WSPR client ★42

Freenet mobile Access Freenet from the palm of your hand ★109

Keep it up Simple network monitoring ★51

USB Serial Telnet Server binds a USB serial converter to a Telnet client ★51

AirGuard - AirTag protection Protect yourself from Apple's Find My Tracking ★1,882

Smart Card Reader Use your phone as contact-less smart card reader ★0

M17 HT M17 voice communication via an M17 KISS modem/radio ★15

Bitmask Encrypted communication for mere mortals(superheroes welcome, too). ★0

Riseup VPN Secure VPN powered by Bitmask ★5

Plexus Android app for Plexus ★231