Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular Hot
WiFi Walkie Talkie Talk to other devices on your LAN ★113

Syphon A privacy centric matrix client ★1,038

Service Browser Service Browser is a utility that discovers Bonjour services ★148
Location Share Share your current location ★79
RFID Tools App for use with Proxmark3 RDV4 and the blueshark addon ★355
Calliope mini Flash scripts on the calliope mini ★7

Tauon Remote & Stream remote control your Tauon Music Box ★13

Calyx VPN Free VPN Service offered by The Calyx Institute ★7

RhythmRoid remote client for Rhythmbox on Linux ★9

Party UP! Share files to a webserver 🦔💨 ★16
PWS Watcher Monitoring of data generated by PWS (Personal Weather Station) ★19

WiGLE WiFi Wardriving FOSS Map Wi-Fi access points ★703

AmbitSync Read Suunto Ambit watches and convert to GPX ★12

aFreeRDP FreeRDP is a free remote desktop protocol client ★11,221
CSC BLE Bridge bridge ANT+ Cycling Speed/Cadence/HR sensors as Bluetooth LE sensors ★60

DT78 Alternative app for the DT78, DT92, DT66 Smartwatches ★35

WifiProbe scan and display Wifi access points in your environment ★0

card10 Companion Companion App for the card10 Chaos Communication Camp badge. ★0

BlenderRemote Use your smartphone as a three-dimensional controller for Blender ★0

Average data usage widget Check your data usage and compare it with an indicator of the average usage. ★34