Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotFlying Carpet Cross-platform AirDrop between Android/iOS/Linux/macOS/Windows via ad hoc WiFi ★0

WG Auto Connect Auto connect to a WireGuard tunnel ★4

OG Network Tools A modern network toolbox built to feel like original android apps. ★13

KUKSA Companion App The Companion App for the KUKSA Databroker. ★3

Edifier RC10D1 Unofficial remote control for Edifier R2730DB speakers ★1

Audio Share Share Windows/Linux computer's audio to Android phone. ★1,336

WG Tunnel An alternative VPN client app for WireGuard with additional features ★1,221

EasySync Synchronize your phone with your WebDAV server, the easy way. ★67
ANONguard ANONguard anonymises the Internet connection ★0

OTG Keyboard Use Android as A Bluetooth Keyboard ★10

Osram Remote An app to turn your phone into a remote for lights ★26

opendtu-react-native OpenDTU client ★36

Bluetooth LE Spam Impersonate Bluetooth Low Energy devices, causing pop-ups on receiving devices. ★4,138

UpVPN - Serverless VPN A Modern VPN based on WireGuard ★237

Edifier RC18A Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1855DB speakers ★1
Edifier RC10E Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1280DB speakers ★2

OctoTC touch screen Octoprint UI for Android 5+ ★21

ADB over WiFi toggle ADB between USB and WiFi mode ★1

HA Bluetooth Proxy Home assistant Bluetooth proxy Companion ★21

DPC Digital pedigree and chronicle ★8