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Iceraven Browser Iceraven Browser is a web browser for Android, based on Mozilla's Fenix version of Firefox ★5,202
SerialPipe A USB Serial to UDP bridge app ★6

Fire2Kodi Send Video Links from clipboard to Kodi TV ★1

WarpShare An Open-source AirDrop Alternative ★560

Nextcloud Cookbook View all your recipes stored in your Nextcloud instance. ★65

Modular Remote Create your own remote to control your devices using TCP (and more)! ★8

Fuji Wifi App Unofficial WiFi app to get photos from your Fujifilm camera ★102

Windscribe Free VPN that unblocks geo-restricted content and eliminates tracking. ★156
BG2BangleJS With this app you can get your BG values onto the BangleJS! ★1

Meshtastic An inexpensive open-source GPS mesh radio for hiking, skiing, flying, marching. ★814

Codec2Talkie Turn your Android phone into Codec2 Walkie-Talkie ★223

Simple WOL waking machines on the network with Wake On Lan ★27

BLE Radar Control and monitor Bluetooth and wearable devices around you ★596
AutoNotify Relay notifications of any apps to Android Auto ★5

S2MSP SMS communication for apps restricted on phone numbers ★44

Network Survey Displays and Logs LTE Network Survey Details ★187
Widgets for Auto show widgets in Android Auto ★29

WLED Native Find, manage and control all your WLED devices from your android device ★74

Mullvad VPN: privacy is a universal right Protect your online privacy with a fast, trustworthy, and easy-to-use VPN. ★5,179

Sensor Server Stream phone's sensors to websocket clients ★266