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Lucia App Lucia allows you to anonymously check in at events using QR code based tracing. ★16

Party UP! Share files to a webserver 🦔💨 ★16

Squeeze Client Client application for Squeezebox players on the Lyrion music server ★15

ShareFileServer share files to your local network ★15

gCompat UP-Distributor UnifiedPush Distributor using FCM (Google) ★15

TSViewer Simple TS client which shows you the amount and names of connected clients. ★15

M17 HT M17 voice communication via an M17 KISS modem/radio ★15

ClemRemote Remote Control for Clementine Music Player allowing you to browse your Files ★14
ClipboardService service that accepts a string and saves it to clipboard ★14

36C3 Wifi Setup Official NOC application for connecting to the 36C3 Wi-Fi ★14

nemu-droid nEMU Android client ★14

Open Squeeze control Logitech Squeezebox devices on the Logitech Media Server platform ★13

Tauon Remote & Stream remote control your Tauon Music Box ★13

Child Monitor Child Monitor allows two Android devices to act as a baby monitor. ★13

OG Network Tools A modern network toolbox built to feel like original android apps. ★13

AmbitSync Read Suunto Ambit watches and convert to GPX ★12

Bonjour WebRTC discover devices on WLAN (w/ Bonjour) and place video calls between devices ★12

plexmanager Have a look on your Plex Media Server on your phone ★12

Open Alert Viewer Fetch and display server alerts ★12

Headphone indicator Show a status icon when headphones are plugged in ★12