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AmbitSync Read Suunto Ambit watches and convert to GPX ★12

Nextcloud Cookbook View the recipes from your Nextcloud Cookbook ★11

OGN AR Viewer Experimental augmented reality client to the Open Glider Network (OGN). ★10

OTG Keyboard Use Android as A Bluetooth Keyboard ★10

Exfilac Simple, reliable, automated S3 uploads for Android. ★10

Share 2 Archive Today Share a URL to and Archive.Is ★9

Android Music Server a web interface to music playback on Android devices ★9

RhythmRoid remote client for Rhythmbox on Linux ★9

Modular Remote Create your own remote to control your devices using TCP (and more)! ★8

EngineDataLogger-Dashboard Companion app to EngineDataLogger ECU software. ★8

Public IP App and Widget allowing user to find its current public IP address ★8

Auto Off Bluetooth Automatically turn off bluetooth if disconnected ★8

SleepyWifi Disables the Wi-Fi when the phone is in sleep mode ★8

JioFi Battery Notifier Battery Notifier for JioFi Device with battery Icon in Notification and Alerts ★8
NoProvider2Push UP-distributor without provider ★8

DPC Digital pedigree and chronicle ★8

FilmChecker Checks the status of photo orders ★7

Sensa Gram Stream Android sensor data over UDP with minimal latency. ★7

Calyx VPN Free VPN Service offered by The Calyx Institute ★7

Mobilinkd TNC Get the most out of your Mobilinkd TNC by installing the configuration app. ★7