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FilmChecker Checks the status of photo orders ★7

ShareAsQR app that allows sharing some plain text as a QR code ★6
SerialPipe A USB Serial to UDP bridge app ★6

ShockAlarm Material3 app for controlling OpenShock shockers ★6

WA Adder WhatsApp contact adder without giving WhatsApp access to your contacts! ★6

Sunmachine Smart lighting system ★6

SimbaDroid A simple SMB file server (needs root) ★5
Hue Widgets Fast control of Philips Hue Lighting. ★5

Close Circuit create a PAN surveillance system using WiFi IP Webcams ★5

Riseup VPN Secure VPN powered by Bitmask ★5
AutoNotify Relay notifications of any apps to Android Auto ★5
Bike Bean communicate with your Bike Bean and track your bicycle ★5

MqttDroid MQTT support for Android's device controls ★5

Faraday Secure messenger for Matrix based on Element ★5

Evergram Scroll through all your Telegram channels in one timeline ★4

WG Auto Connect Auto connect to a WireGuard tunnel ★4

SocketChat A simple app to chat with anyone you want on the same network. ★4

DataStopwatch Stopwatch, but for data usage ★4

SoundRemote Listen to audio from your PC and control it from your phone ★3

KUKSA Companion App The Companion App for the KUKSA Databroker. ★3