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SoundRemote Listen to audio from your PC and control it from your phone ★3

Book Listing App A simple app which lists all books from Google Books API ★3

DCC++Throttle Application to drive DCC-EX command station via Bluetooth ★3

Wi-Fi Reminders WiFi based reminders ★2

USB-Dataloggerreader Interface to USB dataloggers. ★2
Selfnet WIFI-Setup This is the official App to configure the Selfnet WIFI for your device. ★2
Edifier RC10E Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1280DB speakers ★2

Paintball Notificator …so that you no longer have to shout across the pitch before a match. ★2

Fire2Kodi Send Video Links from clipboard to Kodi TV ★1

ADB over WiFi toggle ADB between USB and WiFi mode ★1
BG2BangleJS With this app you can get your BG values onto the BangleJS! ★1

Actualizador ODNS ★1
AndroVDR remote control for VDR ★1

Edifier RC10D1 Unofficial remote control for Edifier R2730DB speakers ★1

gophercle a gopher client ★1

Edifier RC18A Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1855DB speakers ★1
ANONguard ANONguard anonymises the Internet connection ★0

card10 Companion Companion App for the card10 Chaos Communication Camp badge. ★0
Impress Remote Remote for presentations ★0

Anonymous Messenger A peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over Tor. ★0