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Octo An unofficial FLOSS Octopus Energy agile tariff monitor ★0

Seers Lodge P2P Chat Application ★0

JMP SIM Manager Companion app for the JMP eSIM Adapter ★0

Platypush Control your Platypush instances from Android. ★0

StyncyNotes Sticky Notes app for Android that understands the linuxmint/sticky note file for ★0

BLE Manager Control your BLE devices easily. No libraries needed. ★0

HopToDesk Remote Desktop Software For Personal and Business use. ★0
Flying Carpet Cross-platform AirDrop between Android/iOS/Linux/macOS/Windows via ad hoc WiFi ★0
Impress Remote Remote for presentations ★0

Tilde Friends A tool for making and sharing ★0

Smart Card Reader Use your phone as contact-less smart card reader ★0

Anonymous Messenger A peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over Tor. ★0

CUPS Printing Print directly from your handset ★0

WebRadio Play radio channels from web and add custom channels ★0

Bitmask Encrypted communication for mere mortals(superheroes welcome, too). ★0

SavaPage Print Service A Print Service for SavaPage Open Print Portal ★0

Robot36 - SSTV Image Decoder Image decoder for Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) audio signals ★0
TUC WLAN Secure configuration of eduroam at TU Chemnitz ★0

RecollDroid UI for the Recoll fulltext search engine. ★0

BlenderRemote Use your smartphone as a three-dimensional controller for Blender ★0