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Network Survey+ Logs LTE QCDM Messages to a PCAP file ★201

iTracing2 alternative application for iSee/iTag bluetooth device owners ★190

Network Survey Displays and Logs LTE Network Survey Details ★187

WiFi Widget Configurable widget for the monitoring of your WiFi connection details ★186

NS-USBloader NS-USBloader is USB/WiFi data transfer helper for N Switch homebrew apps ★182

NymVPN Download our VPN and make your online activity 100% private. Fast and anonymous. ★167

Tinc App Android binding and user interface for the tinc mesh VPN daemon ★165

Better Internet Tiles Bring back Wi-Fi and mobile data tiles on Android 12 or higher ★157

Windscribe Free VPN that unblocks geo-restricted content and eliminates tracking. ★156

ChatLaunch for WhatsApp Start WhatsApp chats without adding numbers to contacts. ★156

Service Browser Service Browser is a utility that discovers Bonjour services ★148

SSTV Encoder Image encoder for Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) audio signals ★141

Share To Computer Share anything to your computer ★135

QRServ Transfer files with ease over a network. ★135

Enhanced Music Controller Lite Remote controller for Onkyo devices ★134

Remote Video Camera Stream video/audio between two phones. Zero configuration. ★131

Pixelix Pixelix is a user-friendly client for Pixelfed, a social platform for sharing photos and videos ★126

Portarius manage your Portainer sessions ★126

Cat Printer support to some Bluetooth "Cat Printer" models ★124

Pi-hole Droid Unofficial client that connects to your Pi-hole to show charts and statistics ★123