Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular Hot
Snapdrop Transfer files between phones and laptops on same wifi ★62

ADB⚡OTG Run ADB commands without a computer (no ROOT needed) ★629

HA Bluetooth Proxy Home assistant Bluetooth proxy Companion ★21

AsteroidOS Sync Synchronize with your AsteroidOS smartwatch ★100

WiGLE WiFi Wardriving FOSS Map Wi-Fi access points ★703

Edifier RC18A Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1855DB speakers ★1
Edifier RC10E Unofficial remote control for Edifier R1280DB speakers ★2

Edifier RC10D1 Unofficial remote control for Edifier R2730DB speakers ★1
SerialPipe A USB Serial to UDP bridge app ★6

Lighthouse Power Management Power management app to control the Valve Index® lighthouses from your phone. ★110
TrebleShot Send and receive files over available connections ★113

TSViewer Simple TS client which shows you the amount and names of connected clients. ★15

UpVPN - Serverless VPN A Modern VPN based on WireGuard ★237
ANONguard ANONguard anonymises the Internet connection ★0

iTracing2 alternative application for iSee/iTag bluetooth device owners ★190

OTG Keyboard Use Android as A Bluetooth Keyboard ★10

dreamDroid Control and streaming client for enigma2 based dreamboxes ★97

OctoTC touch screen Octoprint UI for Android 5+ ★21

ADB over WiFi toggle ADB between USB and WiFi mode ★1

RemotePointer Digital Laser Pointer and Mouse Control for Presentations ★20