Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotManyverse A social network off the grid ★537

nemu-droid nEMU Android client ★14

Bacon - Bluetooth Controller A customizable Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) controller. ★28

USB-Dataloggerreader Interface to USB dataloggers. ★2

Webmon Monitor web services and get notified, if a service becomes unavailable. ★38

AndroTainer Manage your docker containers via your smartphone ★88

Open Squeeze control Logitech Squeezebox devices on the Logitech Media Server platform ★13
Selfnet WIFI-Setup This is the official App to configure the Selfnet WIFI for your device. ★2

MiDoze the easiest way to download firmwares for Xiaomi wearables ★22

JioFi Battery Notifier Battery Notifier for JioFi Device with battery Icon in Notification and Alerts ★8
Syncopoli An rsync client that works ★67

Portarius manage your Portainer sessions ★126
Locate my device locate a lost smartphone through the use of conventional SMS ★61
DozeOff Disable Doze on your rooted Android device ★24
Rsync Server A rsync server (alpha release) ★18
mpv remote Android application to control mpv running on another computer. ★73

gophercle a gopher client ★1

WebRadio Play radio channels from web and add custom channels ★0

Anonymous Messenger A peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over Tor. ★0

Freenet mobile Access Freenet from the palm of your hand ★109