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Hamfisted Prepare for the German HAM radio license exam ★8

monocles translator monocles translation a safe and private translator ★7

TU Darmstadt Moodle Wrapper Open Moodle links of the TU Darmstadt in the official Moodle app ★0
foodsharing Share food instead of throwing it away! ★33

OpenCanteen An unofficial client for the iCanteen food system ★0

RoboZZle Droid Robot programming game ★7

Lane's Lexicon An Arabic English Dictionary ★7

Nanji clock widget Clock widget for language learners ★12

LibreRandonaut Randonauting - explore your surroundings with quantum randomness ★7

Kotlin Quiz Quiz taking application about kotilin ★6

Bible Verse App Daily Bible verses from with widgets & notifications ★6

Cyrillic Transliterator: Latin To Cyrillic Converts Latin to Cyrillic and vice versa. ★1

Warmongr List of bribetakers and warmongers ★1

LBalance LBalance is a clinometer or balance app offering different Layouts. ★1

TKCompanionApp A short and small helper for Toyota Kata practitioners ★0

Flash Deck A simple and easy to use flash card to help you study ★17
Ching Machine Automatic "ching" for Thai music. ★0

Kanji draw A simple drawn kanji character recognition application ★7

Mint Calculator A simple calculator and converter app with Material Design 3 ★19

Der Die Das Android app for learning German nouns genders. ★21