Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotGeological Time Scale Display the geological time scale of the Earth's history. ★16

DigiAgriApp DigiAgriApp is a software aimed at farmers and anyone with cultivated land ★0

Tournant Gourmand/Gourmet recipe parser ★13

Better Schedule (Bakaláři) A faster schedule for Bakaláři. For students, by students. ★9

hJOP Driver hJOP Driver allows user to control model railroad via hJOPserver ★4

TransektCount A butterfly monitoring app for transect counters. ★5

Solon A light-weight Android frontend to SkolaOnLine ★0

Kepler-App App only in German! - App for the JKG Chemnitz with all important info ★10

lanis display the substitution plan of a school in the Lanis system ★52

Traintime PDA Another personal data assistant for XDU undergraduate. ★123

Musekit A simple note fork and metronome. No distractions. ★28

NLWeer Dutch weather and rain radar app ★20

whoBIRD Recognize birds by their sounds, anywhere in the world! ★337

JMdict droid A Japanese to English dictionary, based on JMdict. ★6

UnitsTool An application to convert units ★7
Open Ear ear training app for musicians ★68

Translate You Translator built with Material Design 3 (You) supporting multiple engines ★1,063

Tuner App for tuning musical instruments. ★223

SkillRack Tracker Track and calculate your SkillRack points with ease. ★4

8-Bit Wonders 8-Bit Wonders is a C64 and VIC20 emulator for your Android device. ★0