Featured Latest Update New Releases Popular HotwX Weather app geared towards storm chasers, meteorologists and weather enthusiasts ★30

Planetario Solar System in your Phone ★0

Bibleside Offline Bible app featuring the OET (Open English Translation) ★8

GPTMobile Your all in one chat assistant - Chat with multiple LLMs at once! ★519

Dahdidahdit a versatile Morse code trainer for ham radio enthusiasts ★23

Reckoning Skills (Privacy Friendly) (SECUSO) Improve your calculation skills in the four basic operations ★16

Linux Command Library 5055 manual pages, 22 basic categories and a bunch of general terminal tips. ★897

Scale Practice Scales and Arpeggios ★14

Unitto — calculator and unit converter Calculator, unit converter and more ★424

TourCount A butterfly monitoring app for species-specific registering of butterflies in Eu ★4

Qalculate! Powerful and versatile multi-purpose calculator ★174

Git Coach Take your code to new heights, with Git Coach as your guide ★190

Isotope Browser Nuclear data + decay radiation with search engine, nuclide chart, periodic table ★49

ChordReader 2 A digital music book to fetch online and store locally chords and lyrics ★38

GCompris Multi-Activity Educational game for children 2 to 10 ★0
Periodical Menstrual/period calendar ★148

Plant-it This is a client app for the self-hostable Plant-it Server ★694

SatDump A generic satellite data processing software. ★930

GeoNotes A simple app to create georeferenced notes. ★42

Rosarium Animated rosary app with a focus on UX supporting latin, english and german ★0