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Tux Paint A drawing program for children. ★39

taz reader for the german newspaper "taz. die tageszeitung". ★17

Graph 89 A TI Graphing Calculator Emulator ★20

Solar Solar is an app to monitor off grid solar setups over bluetooth. ★6

Onyx Your new app to guide you around La Doua Campus ★24

Occtax-mobile Collect biodiversity data in GeoNature Occtax module ★13

Beans A virtual scratchmap of the world ★5
c-beam Android interface to the c-base onboard computer c-beam ★9

Really Basic Vocab simple flashcard app ★7

TonUINO NFC Tools Read and write NFC Tags for TonUINO ★28

Fossify Calculator Simple and open-source calculator for quick and easy calculations ★89

NumberHub The only calculator / currency converter / time zones / ... - app you need! ★139

Word of the day - Learn a new word every day Every day a new word to learn, copy and share! ★7

CalcYou Privacy Focused Calculator app built with MD3 ★153

AlgoSorts understand how sorting algorithms work using the example of animations ★14

Omni A useful and handy minimalist toolbox. ★183

JRPN 15C JRPN 15C: RPN Calculator inspired by HP 15C Scientific Calculator ★60

OpenUSOS An open source unofficial USOS app, for students in Poland ★2
SexyTopo Assist in cave surveying ★32

PariDroid PARI/GP is a computer algebra system designed for computations in number theory ★0