Featured Latest Update New TopGeological Time Scale Display the geological time scale of the Earth's history. ★16
Planisphere A simple star chart that shows stars, constellations and planets. ★53
Simlar - secure calls Protect your privacy with encrypted phone calls. ★94
Ruler On the fly measurements with your Smartphone as ruler or protractor. ★33
PIN Mnemonic (Privacy Friendly) Helps you to memorize PIN codes ★20
Fossify Paint Quick, easy and open source drawing app ★107
CrossWords A Scrabble-like game ★0
DigiAgriApp DigiAgriApp is a software aimed at farmers and anyone with cultivated land ★0
3D Model Viewer Load 3D Models and see how to do it ★1450
Gadgetbridge Use your smart watch and other bluetooth devices and keep your data private! ★604
DigiPaws - Gamify Screentime Block apps, reels, explicit keywords and more. ★79
Taler Wallet Makes privacy-friendly online transactions fast and easy ★0
SolitaireCG Solitaire Card Games ★0
Easy Dice RPG dice roller ★14
News Reader Minimalistic yet powerful news reader with text to speech capability ★13
wX Weather app geared towards storm chasers, meteorologists and weather enthusiasts ★30
HACS Hackspace Access Control System ★26
Prayer Book Catholic prayers ★0
Unstoppable Wallet Bitcoin, Ethereum, DeFi ★888
Stroke Input Method (筆畫輸入法) A minimalist Chinese keyboard. ★85