Featured Latest Update New TopKey Mapper Unleash your keys! Open source! ★987
Transito Public transit app to download GTFS data & calculate routes offline ★0
Emotic Reignite the love for emoticons ★22
HexViewer Hexadecimal viewer for Android ★167
Cartes IGN Discover France another way and witness the land's evolution ★56
Wikimedia Commons Upload images to ★1044
Yaacc UPNP/DLNA Client and Server ★119
Tutanota Encrypted email & calendar service - easy to use, secure by design. ★6216
Simple Search Simple and customizable search bar ★47
OSM Dashboard Offline for OpenTracks Offline variant of the OpenStreetMap dashboard for OpenTracks ★98
OSM Dashboard for OpenTracks OpenStreetMap dashboard for OpenTracks ★98
SchildiChat Secure messenger for Matrix with a traditional instant messaging experience ★424
Tickmate One bit journal ★115
monocles chat is an Open Source XMPP/Jabber Messenger for Android ★18
Imagepipe removes exif data and modifies images to reduce size before sharing. ★58
ANOTHERpass Another way to manage passwords ★73
OpenTracks A sport tracker buddy that respects your privacy. ★1119
mensen Access the menu of Dresden's canteens. ★0
c3nav Indoor navigation for the Chaos Communication Congress ★37
Vespucci Edit geodata and contribute to OpenStreetMap project on-the-go ★384